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QDMA/NDA is partnering with Michigan State University and Cornell University on an important chronic wasting disease (CWD) research project, and your participation is valuable, regardless of whether you hunt in or near a CWD zone or state. We are asking you to please complete a survey to tell us a little more about your behavior […]

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By Howard Whiteman I was doing my best to stay awake when I heard the noisy chatter of a flock of turkeys making their way in front of my stand. As I admired the handsome birds and the cacophony of calls, I realized they were not alone. Four does were following them, marching silently through […]

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Pennsylvania’s statewide archery deer season begins Saturday, Oct. 3, and its return is prompting the Pennsylvania Game Commission to issue some helpful reminders. Archers statewide can hunt for antlered or antlerless deer from Oct. 3 to Nov. 14; Sunday, Nov. 15; and from Nov. 16-20, and during the late archery deer season, which runs from […]

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Chronic Wasting Disease Management Areas, DMAP units, CWD collection bins identified. The deer hunters who most consistently fill tags year to year know their woods. They know what food sources are available and where they are, they know the location of whitetail bedding areas, they know the travel routes deer use to go from one […]

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The Pennsylvania Game Commission has a new plan for battling what many consider the biggest wildlife-management challenge of the 21st century. And it’s counting on hunters to help put it into action. Acting at its quarterly meeting today, the agency’s Board of Commissioners unanimously adopted a new Chronic Wasting Disease Response Plan. It focuses on […]

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Steve Ferris, Eagle Staff Writer, Butler Eagle Hunters Sharing the Harvest (HSH) distributed 900 pounds of ground venison and 50 turkeys Monday to county food banks and churches that provide meals to those in need. The venison, which comes from deer harvested during municipal deer reduction programs approved by the Pennsylvania Game Commission, is one […]

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