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As the deer seasons head toward their close, the Pennsylvania Game Commission is issuing one last reminder for successful deer hunters to report their harvests. Hunters who harvest big game in Pennsylvania are required to report their harvests to the Game Commission using one of three methods. Each method takes only minutes. Hunters can go […]

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Bass Pro Shops GM Jim O’Brien recently renewed their annual financial donation for 2015, in addition to sponsoring the collectible decal sent to all hunters who donate a deer.

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Recently, Vice President John Booth of Applebee’s Restaurants renewed their $1,000 HSH sponsorship for 2015. We are extremely grateful for their support.

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A host of statewide energy industry representatives, who are HSH financial sponsors, and who attended the HSH Annual Kick off Press Event at the Central PA Food Bank in Harrisburg, PA on November 25. Due to the overwhelming support of the industry, the PA Game Commission and PA Dept. of Agriculture the $15 co-pay was […]

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Executive Director Matt Hough of the PA Game Commission and Sen. Rich Alloway, both longtime supporters of the HSH mission, present to John Plowman, executive Director of HSH, the prototype of the PA Hunting Heritage License plate that will soon be available for sale to PA residents. A portion of the proceeds from the sale […]

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The night before often is spent tossing and turning, minds racing excitedly at the possibilities that lie in store. The morning begins early, with the coffee pot and breakfast griddle heating up well before the mercury in the thermometer. Parents and children choose their attire based on the conditions that prevail outside, always ending up […]

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