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  On January 10, 2018, PA Dept of Agriculture held its annual Public Officials Day at the PA Farm Show Complex in Harrisburg with a record turnout. Present at the event were invited guests of Hunters Sharing the Harvest. Among the HSH delegation were members of the natural gas industry, who are among the strongest […]

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Program update: For the 2017-2018 season to date, 23,526 pounds of venison have been donated from 693 deer. There are 106 registered and PDA-inspected butchers/deer processors working with Hunters Sharing the Harvest this season. We are always looking for additional help, especially in the northeast, north central and northwest areas of the state. Butchers/deer processors interested […]

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In Washington, D.C., you can find venison on wild game menus and in specialty food shops selling for up to $40 per pound. Yet, less than a two-hour drive away, hunters in Central Virginia look forward to stocking their freezers full of venison for little to no cost at all. Since venison hasn’t officially been […]

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Cameron County Outdoor Youth Activities (CCOYA) recently sponsored a youth doe hunt during Pennsylvania early youth rifle season. There were 7 youth that participated in this years event. All seven youth were successful in harvesting at least one deer. Prior to the hunt the youth were provided DMAP tags allowing them to harvest up to […]

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Via the Pennsylvania Game Commission STATE’S HUNGRY THANKFUL FOR HUNTERS Venison from harvested deer fills a need in Pennsylvania. When they sit down at the dinner table on Thursday, Pennsylvania’s hunters will have plenty for which to be thankful. It’s prime time for Pennsylvania hunting and, with any luck, some game bags or ear tags […]

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Via PA.gov Wolf Administration offers additional support to process even more donations Harrisburg, PA – Thanks to record-breaking donations of deer meat from Pennsylvania hunters and a helping hand from the Wolf Administration, the state’s charitable food system will provide more than one half million servings of ground venison through food banks, soup kitchens, and […]

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