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Towanda Daily Review on 05-03-2020 The number of hunters in Pennsylvania donating their venison to help feed families in need pushed Hunters Sharing the Harvest into record territory for the 2019-20 campaign. Much of the more than 155,000 pounds of ground deer meat they collected is delivered to food banks in the Endless Mountains like […]

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At one of the last such events likely to happen for the foreseeable future, and just prior to the Corona virus pandemic reinventing our lives, hunters, U.S. Senate staff, the state Secretary of Agriculture, news media, food bank representatives, Game Commission staff, and a Pittsburgh Steeler gathered on March 12 to recognize another successful season […]

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Hunters share harvest to help feed hungry Butler Eagle | March 13, 2020 Butler County’s regional coordinator for Hunters Sharing the Harvest attended an event Thursday that praised the program’s partners and celebrated its success. “The first celebrity I saw today was (state) Secretary of Agriculture Russell Redding.” said Center Township resident Tom Rossman, the […]

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Hunters Sharing the Harvest notes expanding hunger fight At one of the last such events likely to happen for weeks, hunters, U.S. Senate staff, the state Secretary of Agriculture, and a Pittsburgh Steeler gathered to laud a successful season fighting hunger in Pennsylvania with venison. Hunters Sharing the Harvest (HSH) convened the fete March 12 […]

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Wolf Administration Celebrates Partnership with Hunters, Food Banks to Feed Hungry Pennsylvania Families Oakdale, PA – Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding joined Hunters Sharing the Harvest at Colliers Sportsmen’s Club in Oakdale, Allegheny County today to celebrate their partnership with Pennsylvania hunters to fight hunger in the state. The program supplies donated venison to hungry families […]

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Tomorrow, Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding will join representatives of Hunters Sharing the Harvest to highlight last season’s record donations by Pennsylvania hunters to the program, which feeds hungry families with support of the state in partnership with private donors. Representatives of small butcher shops that process donations and Hunger-Free PA foodbanks, which distribute donated meat, […]

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