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As our year winds down for the 2013-14 season we wanted to reach out to long time supporters of HSH Scott Mills, of Scott’s Custom Deer Processing in Albion, PA and Mease Meats in Pine Grove, PA to say Thank You for donating their services to the HSH program. A total of 200 lbs of venison was processed by them. The Pine Grove Food Pantry received venison from Mease Meats and Second Harvest Food Bank in Erie received venison from Scott’s Custom Deer Processing. The commitment of our registered deer processors makes the HSH program work. We would be hard pressed to supply the more than 90,000 lbs. of venison each year to the food banks across the state.
Deer processors register each season and agree to be paid by the HSH program. When a hunter donates a deer or part of a deer, HSH deer processors butcher and process the meat into venison which is then delivered to area food pantries and food banks in their areas. An average size deer can feed up to 200 people. Thank you again for waiving the fee we would have to otherwise pay to have the meat processed.