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“CONSOL Concept” helps bring more donated deer to Hunters Sharing the Harvest

Pittsburgh – Hunters in Pennsylvania now have the opportunity to feed hungry families in the Pittsburgh region during the 2013 hunting season, courtesy of CONSOL Energy Inc. (NYSE: CNX). September is Hunger Action Month and in partnership with Hunters Sharing the Harvest (HSH) and Hunger-Free Pennsylvania (HFPA), the company is calling on all hunters to donate extra deer to be processed and distributed to those in need.

Licensed hunters who want to participate can simply take their harvest to an approved meat processor, who will package the meat and send it to Hunters Sharing the Harvest for distribution. While the cost of processing a deer is typically the responsibility of the hunter, during the 2013 season, CONSOL Energy will underwrite the cost at approved meat processors in Washington, Westmoreland, Fayette and Greene Counties.

“CONSOL Energy is proud to partner with Hunters Sharing the Harvest and Hunger-Free Pennsylvania in their mission to feed families in need throughout Pennsylvania during this month devoted to reminding us that hunger continues to affect many in our region. More than 1.8 million Pennsylvanians are classified as living beneath the lowest-income poverty level and Hunters Sharing the Harvest is one of the state’s leading advocates in the fight against hunger,” commented Dave Bojtos, Manager of Property Dispositions, CONSOL Energy. “A good number of our employees are both hunters and outdoor recreationists who live, work and hunt in these counties. That, combined with our company’s commitment to community organizations in the areas where we operate, makes this partnership a win-win situation.”

Established in 1991, Hunters Sharing the Harvest provides more than 200,000 meals annually to food banks, churches and social services feeding programs. In 2012, hunters donated more than 90,000 pounds of venison. This year, with the elimination of the donor co-pay in these four counties, HSH directors expect to see increased hunter donations.

“With the ‘CONSOL Concept’ (as I’d like to term it) about to start in time for the 2013 deer season, we collectively look forward to reaching more families, more effectively, and more meaningfully,” commented John Plowman, Executive Director, Hunters Sharing the Harvest. “In the past five years Hunters Sharing the Harvest has been fortunate to join forces with several energy companies such as CONSOL Energy and do more for our neighbors in need. These innovative corporate partnerships, with their vast expertise, make it possible to significantly – and successfully – broaden our core mission outreach for delivering donated venison to thousands of economically-challenged and hungry recipients who need help. Through this partnership, CONSOL has raised that business support commitment to a new level.”

“It’s great that CONSOL Energy is helping to kickoff this initiative with HSH and Hunger-Free PA because partnerships like this help stock the shelves at our food banks and put food on the table for many families in need,” commented PA Senator Kim Ward, (R-Westmoreland).

The HSH donation season begins on September 24, 2013 in select wildlife management units with the statewide archery season opening on October 5(th) and continues through the end of the statewide muzzleloader/archery season in January.
