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HSH Attends 2017 PA Bowhunters Festival

Hunters Sharing the Harvest had the opportunity to attend the 2017 PA Bowhunters Festival that was held from September 15-17. The three day festival is held in the town of Forksville in Sullivan County and features archery-themed activities to prepare Bowhunters for the approaching season.

To put into perspective the impact that the bowhunting community has on HSH’s mission, between October and November of last year, HSH processed 12,511 pounds of venison from 336 deer donated by bowhunters in the Adams, Delaware, Cameron, Allegheny, Wayne, Bucks, Luzerne and Bradford counties. It’s evident that our presence at the festival each year has significantly raised awareness of our organization and the importance of deer donation throughout the state.

Individuals representing each step of the Hunters Sharing the Harvest donation and distribution process were represented at the event—from county coordinators and processors, to food pantry staff and sponsors.

In attendance from the HSH team (from left to right): Roger Kingsley, Bradford County Representative; Steve Szoke, Sullivan County Representative; Barb Davis, Sullivan County Food Pantry Director; Larry Rohe, Sullivan County Deer Processor; Holly Mensch, Assistant, Central PA Food Bank Williamsport; Jim O’Brien, Schuylkill County Representative; John Plowman, Executive Director; (not pictured): Mike Serbin, Luzerne County Representative; Dan White, HSH Sponsor and President of the North Mountain Sportsman’s Association.

In addition to raising our organizational profile with hunters and food banks in need, we are challenged to find adequate representation and access to qualified processors to serve the entire state.

If you or someone you know might be interested in serving as a county coordinator, we are currently in need of representation for the following counties: Warren, Forest, Venango, Armstrong, Mifflin, Snyder, Northumberland and Columbia. Visit sharedeer.org/get-involved and we will contact you with more information.

If you are a meat processor interested in helping us meet our increasing supply of venison donations, download our Deer Processor Agreement and Registration Kit that will walk you through our entire process. The deadline to register as a new processor is October 15, 2017.
